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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) might sound a big complex and confusing. But once you know the basics, it’ll look fairly simple!

SEO is basically optimizing your website to increase organic traffic from a search engine’s results. Many people, us included, are always searching for things. This doesn’t just mean that there’s traffic, but that the traffic is specific and high-intent. It’s a powerful thing that businesses can make the most of! The benefits are free, traffic to your website, month after month!

People could be searching for things that could be in any manner directly related to your business. There are also of course prospects searching for things that are only loosely related.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an SEO expert for your business to rank high in search engine results! But before getting into things, it’s important to know that Google is responsible for most of the search engine traffic in the world. Google is always looking for pages that have relevant information about a searcher’s enquiry.

Here are things that can help your SEO game!

Create Relevant Content

  • Content should be compelling and answer the searcher’s query
  • Use keywords to attract searchers and engines

You need to be creating content that will match search intent. The content should of course be compelling enough to capture the searcher’s attention.

Your keywords on the other hand are what are going to attract visitors. What matters with keywords is the search volume. This factor considers how many people are searching for a given keyword. There is no point using a word that no one actively searches for. The more people are searching for a keyword, the bigger the audience you could reach!

There are various tools out there that help suggest the best keywords for you.

Build your Site’s Trustworthiness

Google ranking was built on the premise of online reputation through website links. Links are essentially credibility. If other pages are reputable, and they direct visitors to your page, then you’ll be considered more trustworthy.

The Power of Social Media

Did you know that your overall presence and standing on social media can contribute to traffic, popularity and sharing? And this is helpful for SEO! Investing in social media for an SEO strategy will do your business good!


Before you can think of Google ranking your content, you first need Google to know it exists. There are many ways in which Google discovers new content on the internet. But the main one is crawling. Crawling is done using a computer program called a spider. Google will follow links on pages they already know exist to ones they haven’t seen before.

Consider that a website that is already indexed by Google has a backlink to your homepage. They'll click on that link to find your website's main page and probably include it to their index the following time they crawl that site. The links on your homepage will then be crawled from there to locate other pages on your website.


Approximately 63% of Google searches come from mobile devices. That’s a number that’s just going to keep increasing.

In 2016, Google announced a ranking boost for mobile-friendly websites in its mobile search results. They then also shifted to mobile-first indexing in 2018. So now they use the mobile version of your page for indexing and ranking.

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