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Social media can be your brand’s best friend! When done right, social media can do wonders for any business. The crucial part is getting it right. Just being present online is the bare minimum so you need to stand out by using social media features that will get you more attention.

Combine SEO and Content Marketing

Combining SEO and Content Marketing is one of the most effective marketing trends in 2022.

While SEO uses keywords to direct organic traffic to your webpage, content marketing is an approach where you consistently generate high quality content that is valuable and relevant.

Content marketing paired with SEO will prove effective and result in you having a defined audience, that takes a genuine interest in what you do.

Post More Content

The competition these days is intense! More and more businesses are finding out about content marketing and are embracing it. Whatever you post, chances are it will get buried underneath all the other content being churned out each minute. To stay on top of things and get ahead, you need to be putting out more content that’s better than the rest. HubSpot data says that publishing at least once a week is crucial for ROI.

Use Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of information and data. You can make an infographic using text, images, diagrams, videos and such.

People love infographics! They’re pleasing to look at and easy to understand. Our brains normally process images much faster than text. There’s also the fact that people are likely to share images more often.

Don’t Underestimate Good Design

Design is a large part of what makes digital marketing successful. No matter what you’re designing, be it an ad or images for your website or landing page, top design skills are a must. There are several tools out there that are sure to help!

When it comes to digital marketing, there’s nothing like learning from the best! Below are a few well-known brands that have used social media and the online world to their advantage! Their success stories will give you the tips and tricks you need to get started.

Red Bull’s Content Marketing

The thing about content marketing is that it isn’t restricted to blogging, it involves other forms of content like videos, podcasts, infographics and more.

Red Bull sponsored Austrian skydiver, Felix Baumgartner’s freefall from 128 thousand feet. The video has over 47 million views on YouTube and has spread Red Bull’s awareness to a huge audience!

Mobile Optimise like Taco Bell

Optimizing your website for mobiles is no longer optional. Many brands even have their own apps.

Not only does Taco Bell have their own app for customers to place orders and pick them up from the store but they also use mobile marketing to target specifics like breakfast sales.

Use Campaigns

Ikea developed a compelling advertising campaign for its furniture line. They made use of technology to gather momentum. They demonstrated how to make the most of a tiny place to fit your lifestyle through blog entries and YouTube videos.

Customers were able to visualise how a piece of furniture will appear in their home using augmented reality.

Influencer Marketing

Rolex, a well-known brand in itself, carefully selects who they work with. They’re aware that their business partners represent the company. One of their ambassadors is Roger Federer who exudes class and style. Rolex also sponsors events that communicate and uphold the image of luxury and tradition.

Promote your Work

Starbucks used Instagram to promote of their drinks. They saw sales increase by 3% for the second quarter. By promoting their colour-changing drink, they created a curiosity in their younger audience and stimulated a feeling of FOMO.

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An Effective Social Strategy

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Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks!

Social media can be your brand’s best friend! When done right, social media can do wonders for any business.

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